The New Glyn Valley Tramway & Industrial Heritage Trust and our Museum at Glyn Ceiriog are run entirely by volunteers and are dependent on donations, sales and goodwill.

Please consider making a donation of any amount to help fund:

If you are a current UK taxpayer, you can boost your donations by 25% - at no extra cost to you - with Gift Aid from the UK Government.

We'll require your full name and home address, and you'll need to make a Gift Aid Declaration - see our Donation Form for details.

How to Donate:

Please download and complete a Donation Form, then return it to us by post or as an email attachment, or hand it to one of our staff at our Museum or on our official stand at an event we attend.

You can pay us in the following ways:

Our Donation Form contains payment instructions for the other ways to pay.

Printed copies of the form are available at our Museum or from our official stand at events we attend.

For visitors wishing to make smaller cash donations without providing their personal details, we have cash donation boxes in our Museum and on our official stand at events we attend.

If you're applying for or renewing membership of our charity and wish to make an additional donation at the same time, you only need to complete a Membership Application form.

If you have appropriate PDF form-filling software / app already installed on your device, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit PDF Reader, you can  complete the form on screen and email it straight back to us without having to print a copy.